New Logo

We have a new logo and tag line!


I created the logo to reflect googie art, which more accurately represents the name “Atomic Pod.”

Tag Line:
We considered variations on 1950s expressions like:
“Agitate the Gravel and Travel”
“Far out Adventures”
“Radioactive Fun”
“How the Cool Cats Go”

However, we decided on “The Remedy for Farsickness.”  Whenever we were on a holiday, before we became full-time RVers, one of us would always ask the other, “Are you homesick yet?”  The answer was always, “No!”  We both were far more addicted to travel than to the stationary life we had been living.  When we weren’t travelling, we would talk about far away places. We remedied that longing by becoming full-time travellers. We don’t nearly suffer from farsickness as often as we used to.

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